Nutrien-Aurora: Message Board
Current User: Anonymous

Message Board


This message board will be used to display news and updates. Please check this area for important information each time you visit.

NOTICE:  Contract companies that have access to ISNET are required to enroll their employees in the online ISNET training.  These workers are only required to attend the seated site specific class from 7am-8am.  All others will need to attend the full seated class.  Individuals who have access to the ISNET training and do not complete the online training prior to the seated class will be denied entry.

Badges and Vehicle forms must be submitted 1 business day prior to issuance. Thanks!

Team –

Can we see clearly? Do we look around each and every day in an attempt to identify hazards BEFORE they create incidents. We all need to be on the look-out for the little things that can create surprises. Remember, surprises lead to incidents and incidents lead to injuries. We are here to EARN, LEARN, and BE SAFE! 


Be Safe On Purpose!

© Nutrien